
  • Candles

    Zutara Month Day 13 Prompt: Candles "…Everything was closed down for the night, so he lit the candles along the streets, lighting up the streets. He lit the candles in their room when she wanted to read, or just be able to see his face in the dark. They had scented candles in their room, not only did those illuminate the dark, they had an arousing aroma…"

  • Frozen

    Zutara Month Day 12 Prompt: Frozen "You look like you're going to turn into an icicle,' teased Katara as she handed her boyfriend a cup of hot chocolate. Zuko pouted, and accepted the piping cup of cocoa…"

  • Touch

    Zutara Month Day 11 Prompt: Touch "…But, Katara touched him so gingerly, so amorously, had been his close friend far too long to hurt him like that. Zuko trusted her with his life. He loved her after all…"

  • Legendary

    Zutara Month Day 10 Prompt: Legend "Everything about their lives are legendary. They are walking, teenage pariahs; they are hailed from the tip of the poles, to the most desolate of islands."

  • Melt

    Zutara Month 2014 Day 7 Prompt: Melt "He's gauche and he stumbles on his speech. His hair is unkempt and he has a mark that adorns half his face. He's stubborn and he's impulsive. But— he's sweet and his intentions are pure…"

  • Quiet

    Zutara Month; Day 6; Prompt: Quiet. "…Nothing triggers him to move, he's paralyzed in terror. His hand reaches out and cripples, and he draws it back into his mouth to gnaw on, tears streaming off his face as he trembles…" T: for violence

  • Garden

    Zutara Month; day 4; prompt: garden. "Zuko and Katara shared a constellation of conversations. They'd talk about anything from existential theories to what the menu was for dinner that evening. That what was made their relationship so cherished, so special, they could confide in anything and everything…"

  • Sleep

    Zutara Month 2014. Day two; prompt: sleep. "-He finally crawls up into their bedroom. He's like a zombie, a body wandering without a soul, there are heavy bags hanging from the eye that is unmarked, weighing his appearance down beyond his years…"

  • Hidden

    Zutara Month 2014. Prompt: Hidden. Every time she pecked his cheek, each time she caressed his face, and all the times she wrapped her arms around him, Zuko died a little inside…

  • A Slip of the Tongue to Sever the Ties

    Everything always went right, even when it went wrong. Katara and Zuko always had each other, and had their solidified, unquestionable, requited love. But, Katara lets something out that could permanently shatter the foundations upon which those borders stood, something she doesn't even mean, something she always will want to take back. Zutara.

  • The Price of Prejudice

    Every year, Katara took her family down to her hometown's annual festival, and every year they went home with smiles on their face, and a framework of memories. This time, however, shows to be much different than the years passed.

  • Just Past a Circumstance

    Fire Lord Zuko was taken captive by Ozai Loyalist rebels five years ago, and has been declared dead to the world, leaving his wife, Katara, daughter, family, and friends devastated. What the soldier boy finds when he comes marching home is far beyond any of his expectations.

  • Happy

    Zuko, Katara, and Mai all have some difficult choices to make for the benefit of themselves and each other, and to obtain happiness. One-shot. Zutara with mentions of Maiko.

  • Fight

    Zutara. A drabble about the squabbles Zuko and Katara encounter as a couple.

  • Sadness

    Zutara Month 2014; Day 5; Prompt: Sadness. "Water and fire were never meant to spark a blaze. One extinguished the other, water put out flames…"

  • Confession

    Zutara Month; Day 3: Confession. "Zuko's stomach did summersaults, he was pacing back-and-forth, and he was biting the bottom of his lip. He couldn't decide what to do. She had noticed— Katara had noticed…"