
  • Undesirable Puberty

    The symptoms snuck up on him.

  • Squib

    Araminta knows, though she does not know how she know, that she will not be a slave forever.

  • Descent into Delusion

    He was beginning to understand what it was like to live, not to promote a cause or to advance his own interests, but just to feel alive. He thought he understood that this was what contentment, dare he say happiness, felt like. That was when the nightmares returned.

  • The Kingdom of Isolation

    It was society's solution to the international abolition of the death penalty. Dump all the most despicable criminals in the most inhospitable, isolated regions of the world and let them fend for themselves. It might not be any more humane than the method used before, but it saved millions of taxpayers' hard-earned money.

  • What Makes You Happy?

    "As long as we're digging up the past, we may as well dig up your mother," Roxanne read, in a much more neutral tone than her cousin. "Scorpion's Personality Enhancing Therapy: Amalgamating Muggle Psychotherapy and Wizarding Remedies to excavate the Past since Now is the time to shape a better You for Tomorrow."

  • Hogwarts After Midnight

    Rose and Scorpius dance together at the Yule Ball, their 10th Hogwarts Reunion. Cue memories of unattainable stars, watered-down butterbeer, and unrequited feelings.

  • Et les mistral gagnants

    They'll be lost to time, like those mistral gagnants Fleur used to love so much, and like the countless heroes who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the next generation.

  • not all those who wander are lost (je révais réalité)

    Lily Luna just wants to be her own person, but how can she differentiate who she is when she shares the same name with the identity she's trying so hard to break away from? Branded an outcast and an attention-seeker, Lily finally meets a group who understands how she thinks. And all they want in return is her loyalty and an assurance she'll keep their secrets to herself.

  • Survivor Game

    A fanfiction take on the popular TV show series "Survivors." All entries are one-shots based on the Round's prompts written by the various writers of Team Gryffinclaw.

  • I'm not dreaming (about a white Christmas)

    Marcus has been transferred to Durmstrang to redo his final year after failing his N.E.W.Ts. He writes to his lover about how different it is from Hogwarts. Epistolary & Slash.

  • Our Thoughts of Yesterday

    At the beginning of 6th year, Hermione uses her time-turner to find Harry, but the timepiece malfunctions and sends her back 18 years instead of 2 hours...to the Marauders' era. While Hermione tries to find a way home without altering the past, she also tries to find a cause behind a mysterious illness affecting only Muggle-borns and to battle her growing feelings for James Potter.

  • I Solemnly Swear

    Masterpost of drabbles/one-shots written for various contests and/or competitions for the HPFC forum. Includes character-centric fics, friendship fics, romance fics, and more...

  • It's Never Too Late (To Leave Old Pictures in the Past)

    Oliver had never expected to work for the Ministry. After Hogwarts, spurned by his lover and rejected by the Quidditch pro-league, he turned to alcohol and gratuitous sex. Oliver had never expected to apply to the new sky Auror division, to enjoy the work and find himself moving on. Of course, Oliver had never counted on meeting his past there, of all places. (MF/OW).

  • Midnight Sanctuary

    Scorpius and Albus Severus find solace past midnight on the Astronomy tower. (S/AS)

  • Where There's a Flame

    Oliver reflects on his relationship with his aggressor. (MF/OW)

  • Waiting for You

    Hermione and Lavender meet up again a few years after the war. Though they've both changed, scarred by the trauma of warfare, there is still more of their old selves and feelings lurking about than they may realize. Hermione/Lavender

  • Ring of Fire

    A drinking game turned verbose: a collection of prompts, pairings and possibilities. Informatoin inside