Save yourself13

  • To good to pass up

    Hay so this is just like a fluff about Dimitri and rose. How are the playful couple doing? You will have to read to find out :) rated T because I'm paranoid and I'm still writing more chapters so who knows. Hope you like it.

  • What if

    It has been done before. A lot. But what would happen if rose was dragged into the cave by the blond Strigoi Nathan? What would Dimitri do if his rosa was in extreme danger? Would he be able to save her? Will they be safe? What secrets will be revealed? You will have to read to find out. I rated it t because of a few swears towards the end, I'm very paranoid.

  • Well, that went better than expected

    Pretty much clary and Jace been officially dating for about four years! What will happen? Will they be ok? Will nothing happen and this story is just a waist of time? Or will it be like an explosion of awesome in your face? I guess you will need to read to find out * rubs hands together laughing like a mad scientist* raited m for language not for lemons,

  • Deaths hand

    Ok I know it's been done before but this is Dimitri's point of view when rose got shot by his friend Tasha, how will he react?, what happens when she couldn't see?, you'll have to read to find out, ps all the scenes were rose and Dimitri talk are the same except one part, I changed one line, don't shoot me! No pun intended

  • What a morning

    Alec finally gets a day off and finally gets to sleep in... Or so he thought. Tell me your thoughts :)

  • My silver ring

    Nico and wills little girl, what's she like and why is she writing a list? Read to find out. Read and review. Hope you enjoy :) I love solangelo :)

  • My charge, my friend, my brother

    So pretty much this is what happened when Dimitri found out his charge lord Ivan died. I know I'm a horrible person. I think you should read it though wink, wink, hint, hint, nudge, nudge :) T for language and because I'm paranoid

  • The best day of my life

    What has wise girl been hiding? What's making seaweed brain so jumpy and nervous? How will they react to the news. I hope you enjoy :)

  • Forever and ever, and longer than ever, Eternity even

    Will is seen differently by different people. Nico sees will differently than anyone else, sees his perfections and faults. Sees his love and his hate, his good and bad. Solangelo Read and review please.

  • My birthday isn't so bad after all

    Nico has a lot of issues on his birthday, remembering things. Things he wishes he'd just forget. Can will help? Nico in a blanket burrito of misery ;) every fan girl has done that before. Solangelo. Please r and r

  • he is my moon and i am his sun

    Sirius and Remus go for a walk and pad foot decides to make Remus not hate the moon so much, will it work? you will have to read to find out. if you don't like pad foot and moony as a couple then don't read. but if you do enjoy the fluffiness :)

  • They come first

    Set about 9 years after my previous story life after last sacrafice. What will rose and Dimitri have to face now? Will they survive? Will Kristina have to choose between life and the ones she love? You will have to read to find out... It's only T because I'm paranoid and there might be language use in future chapters. :)

  • The waves

    The permanent things, the not so permanent things. They all shaped who he was and would be. They were together. They were their own little something permanent. R And r please :)

  • Protect her

    "please dad" I whispered up at the ceiling "please let her be ok, I need her to be ok. If you care at all about me, please make sure she has good dreams for me, I beg of you dad" read and review :)

  • Mrs Goldberg

    What happens when percy gets a really horrible substitute teacher? Will he break the rules to get some entertainment? Hope you enjoy :)

  • Remembering you

    We all know it ends well for everyone... Well almost everyone. Jaces thoughts on max. It will hit you right in the feels :)

  • Life after last sacrifice

    After a year of dating how will rose react to what comes next? And how will Dimitri keep his guardian face on with his rosa is dragging him into weird situations like usual? Please read I hope you like it! :)

  • So beautiful it hurts

    I read city of heavenly fire and had to write something fluffy about jace and clary so I wrote about the scene in city of glass were jace said "you can forbid me to do things" what happens next?

  • My rosa and my comrade

    This is basically a very fluffy story about rose and Dimitri. I had to make this because Dimitri was way to mature in the books for his age. I hope you enjoy :)