
  • Teito's Twin

    Azura Klein, becomes a Black Hawk after the exam but what happens when she runs away after hearing about Teito's escape? How does Teito feel about his sister after he finds out her deepest secret that she doesn't even know yet.

  • Adopted into the war

    Skylight arrives on Earth with no memories of the war and who side she was on, but when Megatron finds her first will Skylight stay with the Decepticons or will she see through the lies Megatron has told her.

  • Fenrir's pack Healer

    Fenrir needed a healer for his pack so he sent Damian to find a good healer but Damian was attacked and saved by Andromenia and her father. Andromenia took Damian back to her house and patched him up, but when a group of rouge werewolves find them and Damian discovers Andromenia is the Healer the pack needed will Andromenia stay or will she run the first chance she gets?

  • Pains of Loving

    Nadashiko Hio, the daughter of Shazuka is the target of Rido, but can Takuma and the night class keep her safe and out of Rido's grip or will the love between Nadashiko and Takuma be the thing that keeps her from ever being safe from Rido. Rating may chan