

  • Your Healing Hands

    Lord Voldemort is hurt in a confrontation with some of Hagrid's pets. He Dissaparates to safety...and where would the safest place in the world be, if not number 4 Privet Drive? HPLV if you squint. But mostly, this is a lesson for Voldemort - a lesson about kindness. Written for Gamma Orionis's OTP Bootcamp Challenge. Enjoy!

  • A Very Peculiar Acute Heart Condition

    Begins in a serious tone, ends in crack. It is slash between Voldemort and Harry, you have been warned. Semi-overused plot with a twist. Harry ends up a prisoner in Malfoy's dungeons, and things aren't looking up to him. Voldemort, his only visitor, wants him dead and Harry just wants his freedom. And the Headmasters are laughing their heads off. Read at your own risk!

  • Of Heroes and Dark Lords

    This is a drabble that follows three pairs of heroes and dark lords and the three different relationships between each other. Slightly slashy. ONESHOT.

  • You will meet a tall, dark stranger

    OCDegassi's "Disaster Date" competition. Basically, it's a blind date between those two - and so many thing that can go wrong will go wrong! Light M for someone's dirty mouth. Mentions of Twilightverse. Proceed with caution!

  • The Last Choice

    Written for Lolaaaa's "Last Kiss Competition". After his second death, after arriving at King's Cross again, Harry mends one last broken bridge. Slashy, HPLV

  • Don't Trust Me

    My story for "A Very Slashy Valentine Competition" - received honorable mention. HPTR SLASH. Harry becomes fixated on Tom Riddle the longer he keeps the diary, and Tom is just as intrigued, pulling the boy into the pages so they can properly meet. Oneshot

  • Undisclosed Desires

    Beware, Hufflepuffs are not as cute and fluffy as one might think. Draco is about to find it out firsthand. Oh yes. It's DRAPPLE. Won 2nd place in OCDdegrasii's "Dirty Harry Potter Pick-up Lines" competition. Proceed with caution:P

  • In your dreams!

    Dirty Pick-up Lines Challenge by OCDegrassi.Harry suffered a lot because Voldemort messed with his head in his 5h year. Now he lets the snake-man have a taste of his own medicine. But things never go as planned, right? HPLV slash. OOC!movie!voyeur!Harry

  • All the wrong moves

    Dirty Pick-up Lines Challenge by OCDegrassi. "Leaving Ron Weasley and the now amnesic Lockhart behind, the Gryffindor boy hurried along the corridor and ended up in front of a round door with snakes on it." HP/TR slash. Warning: character switch.

  • The Azkaban Cell Block Tango

    This is a parody. Basically, I re-wrote some lyrics to match our girls. I also have a video, sung by me, check it all out inside. Happy New Year!

  • The Way to Go

    VivusEtIterum's Oneshot competition participant. "So she's coming to guide him…" Ginny whispered. Harry Potter's death was inevitable. This oneshot is not for the Hufflepuffs.

  • Lay me to sleep

    First Kiss challenge. Lavender in Nocturn Alley plus cursed necklace - a disaster waiting to happen. Didn't her mother teach her not to talk to tall, dark strangers? ONESHOT.