HG Rising

  • Natural Born Hustler

    AU. Keith is out of commission, and Veronica is forced to go solo. Unfortunately, her first mission drops her into the very heart of Neptune during the aftermath of the mysterious death of her supposed half sister. She may think herself a professional, but some Neptune residents have more experience getting their hands dirty.

  • Sugar Kingdom Falling

    AU. mafia!AU if you read between the lines. At eighteen, Logan is a small fish among sharks until he's not, and Veronica is there for him until she's not. Likewise, sugar is sweet until it's not.

  • Love Letters from Yokosuka

    AU. Futurefic. A story in which they find each other again and again, even when they don't know they're looking for each other. Veronica tosses her past into the ocean, not knowing what would come of it.

  • One Day at a Time

    .:Drabbles:. One scene from certain choice days in Draco and Hermione's lives. Careful, those pickup lines can't hold everything up. .:DHr:.

  • Once Fallen

    Second Chances. Hermione doesn't need it, someone begs to differ. Draco's in desperate need of just one, though is a kiss really necessary? Throw in a literal meddling angel, teachers plotting, and some double-stitched tapestry. One's fate isn't as tightly woven as one would think... Fate is never wrong, or at least it hasn't admitted to anything yet. Not your typical HB/HG setup.

  • Shudder

    AU. It wasn't every day that Veronica prematurely ruined a fake marriage, but it wasn't every day that Veronica had sex with her employer either. So, let's call it an exception.

  • Love, We're Going Down

    AU. Futurefic. Veronica shows up in Logan's apartment to make him smiley face bacon and eggs after ten years of no contact. He's not okay with it. Updated for coherency...

  • The Five Rings of Mars

    AU. He spelled trouble, and she read him with her tongue. A story in which Veronica has five rings and shares her last one.

  • The Stars Over Neptune

    Pre-series. Veronica meets a pixie who grants Veronica one wish. LoVe.

  • Lies in Which They've Shagged

    .:DHr:. A followup to "Lies in Which They Could Shag". Once again, the title really says it all. .:Drabble:.

  • Lies In Which They Could Shag

    .:DHr:. Doesn't the title really say it all? .:Drabble:.

  • Unbelievable

    “Indiscretions? We’re married, let’s face it. It’s a miracle we haven’t been caught for this long.” “Can’t we at least forget that little fact while we’re here together though?” .:DHr:.