
  • Mau Loa O'hana

    After coming home from Columbia , Danny finds a letter from Matt informing him of what he had been doing while on the run . It wasn't at all what Danny expected to read . Danny has to sort everything out and decide if he wants to extend a hand out to those in need . there are more than one letter as well . " Ya know I never thought I'd be writing one of these to you "

  • The night isn't always dark

    Jessica reaches out to a family friends after she starts to spiral . Stormy Day Wilson was brilliant, fun , sassy and Jessica's friends daughter . After a accident takes away what made her so unique she spirals. Jessica lends a hand up and is surprised at the outcome . Harvey isn't a fan or so he says . Louis finds a new friend and Mike is curious . Donna well is Donna .

  • never say never when it comes to betrayal

    Harvey had finally found the love of his life and married her . Dana returns to claim what she thought was hers . Harvey does something he swore he would never do . Lila is heart broken , she tries to reconnect with her husband however harvey keeps pushing her away . bad news may push them father a part . Can mike and donna help them.

  • comets collide

    Maria Evans , 28 married to Trevor Evans and had a son and was thinking of having another one . When life ripped her happiness apart . She can't cope by herself anymore and she decides she can't take care of her son anymore and turns to her husband best friend for help.

  • The day isn't always bright-con- of the night isn't always dark

    a continuation of The night isn't always dark -Stormy goes to NYC with Jessica to straighten her life out and it gets complicated , between recognizing one person ,while another gets jealous because she doesn't recognize him .

  • just a glimpse

    finally a look into why Zoroaster is the player that he likes to come off as . It will be a slow start . Leo follows the lines of why and lets his friend be in the sad end .

  • smoke rings in the dark

    A missing piece of the de' Medici family resurfaces after being gone for years . Presumed dead for 20 years and living a life as someone else . they have no desire to return to the family and can't remember ever being a part of the family . this family member has a whole other life . Leo and Riario both have personal ties .

  • Only the Hunter rides

    Morgan is still in contact with Ava , how ever he meets a woman at a horse fair and after the truth all comes out about AJ and Ava . He turns to his new found friend who stays just an arms length away . Of Course Carly interferes .

  • when it rains

    When Klaus is the one who desperately needs a break after all the chips have fallen . He takes a trip and finds something in someone he has long forgotten about . His soul.