Wynter Spite

  • Lifespan of a Wildflower

    Lily wants to prank James. She enlists Severus's help in doing so, because they are the best of friends. And she knows they always will be.

  • Harry Potter: The Pragmatist's Pebble

    In an alternate universe . . .

  • Leviathan

    We are lies, nightmare, loss, creature, Death. We are the darkness spilling into your veins, mixing red with black.

  • Fire and Ice

    He was fire and greatness, then ice and logic, and finally space and desolation. But now he knows that he's not alone, he remembers everything, and he'll find his family, because they're all that really matter. A Hobbit/Sherlock/Star Trek crossover. Basically, Khan is Sherlock and Smaug. No slash. Also, Mary is a BAMF.

  • In the Arms of Demons

    In which Dean and Sam are the Kings of Hell and have been for years, and Bobby made a deal ten years ago. Now it's time to collect.

  • Swimming in the Smoke

    Dean and Sam were tracking a monster when it did something to them. They were sent back to a time before the fire that took their mother. The only problem with this is that they were sent back to their own bodies, too. A four-year-old and a baby five months old with the minds of grown men. Now they have to figure out how to get back to their own time before John and Mary notice.

  • A Supernatural Situation

    Lizzie Awesomesauce, as she likes to call herself, has just fallen into the world of Supernatural. Literally. Well, it was more like she fell on Dean, which could've been a better experience. If only she'd been paying attention. It's not everyday you get to meet the characters of your favorite TV show, after all. Now she has to change things, giving out witty remarks all the while.

  • What I Meant To Say

    One-Shot. When Arthur dreams, Merlin is usually there. So it was no surprise that it was the same for that dream, too. And then Merlin told him that he was a sorcerer, and that's when it got kinda confusing.

  • P L A N E T F A L L

    He had fallen.

  • Give It Back

    He's still got it.

  • De Nial Runs Rampant in the Land of Fandom

    The title says it all.

  • Change of Heart

    Aizen Sousuke was not a villain. This was mainly because the Aizen Sousuke I am talking about is from an alternate world. However, when he suddenly found himself in the body of Canon!Aizen, the hogyoku felt the difference and automatically made even more changes in the Arrancar it had already altered. Suddenly, the Espada are lusting less for blood and more for tea.

  • The Start of Something Good

    In a complete AU, Castiel was sent to watch over the newly-born Dean Winchester, who would some day grow up to be the Righteous Man. For now, he was simply the Righteous Baby. But not all goes to Divine Plan (or does it?) when the demons, a certain Trickster Archangel, and others get involved. This could either be the start of something good, or complete and utter chaos on Earth.

  • Papa Trickster

    After months of imprisonment on Asgard Loki has escaped to Earth, alone. But he does not stay that way for long. He soon finds himself with two disgustingly cute and devious children who will just not leave him alone. He has an 'obligation', they say. A 'responsibility', they say. Because they're 'small and helpless and cute', they say. What's a God of Mischief to do?

  • Something Old, Something New

    The Master crashes into an alternate universe. And not just any universe, but the one we all know and love. This universe is different than the one he knew. So, of course, he takes the opportunity to explore. Perhaps meet some old friends, some new friends, some old enemies and some enemies he didn't even know he had.

  • Uther's Terrible Secret

    Uther has a devastating secret.

  • Hearts of Stone

    Eva and Bicky aren't the usual pair of Weeping Angels. No, not the usual pair at all.

  • The Adventures of Alice and Traan

    A Cyberman meets a Dalek, they team up, and nothing is ever the same again.

  • Good King Uther

    In which Uther has a hidden kindness.

  • Madman in a Big Black Box

    Ever wonder how the Doctor got out of the Pandorica in the first place, when he wouldn't have otherwise if he hadn't given Rory the screwdriver? Well . . . this is how. This is the first time. It has been some very long centuries.