
  • No One Escapes Cidhna Mine

    She felt a sick, swooping sensation. Running from Nepo's House, one thought persisted: Eltrys needed to be informed just how far the Forsworn Conspiracy spread. She burst through the doors of the Shrine, and skidded to a stop. Markarth Guards surrounded Eltrys' body. "You should have left well enough alone…"

  • Angels and Neighbors

    Two good women, christened 'Angels' by their community, get new neighbors. Multi-chaptered. Rating may change. Connor/OC, Murphy/OC.

  • Human Needs

    Oral Hygiene is important!

  • Popcorn

    A short fluffy bit! Belle gets the bright idea to acclimate herself to the world by watching videos. Oh… Disney…

  • A Normal Day's End

    A brief look into a librarian's day.