
  • Beacon of Hope

    Thirty years before Sarah McGryon's time, Lord Voldemort killed Harry Potter, then conquering the wizarding and muggle worlds alike, sending the world in ruin. After running into a ground of Death Eaters, Sarah is recruited by a group of rebels who enthrust her with the most dangerous mission in the world. The mission ending is simple: Kill Lord Voldemort, or be killed yourself. AU

  • The Enchanted Notes of the Marauders

    Messers Moony, Wormtail Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present... a collection of their enchanted notes, which can sometimes come in useful, or be a downright pain for them all. Rated T, just in case

  • Harry Potter: Sex stories

    All the characters of the Harry Potter universe are sexy... And horny. Sorry, I suck at descriptions