
  • The Rise of a Dark Star

    They really should have heeded the warning that the seer gave. Harry James Potter wasn't the savior they were all hoping for. Dumbledore wouldn't let the brat stray away from his carefully laid plans, even if it killed him. Severus knew better. He tried to warn Dumbledore. He tried to warn the Dark Lord. No one listened. It was their fault. (Rewrite of Resurrect the Sun)

  • Resurrect the Sun

    They really should have heeded the warning that the seer gave. Hadrian James Potter wasn't the savior they were all hoping for. Dumbledore wouldn't let the brat stray away from his carefully laid plans, even if it killed him. Severus knew better. He tried to warn Dumbledore. He tried to warn the Dark Lord. No one listened. It was their fault.

  • Because of You

    Dean reflects on the way he was raised in his last moments. Dark!fic Major Character Death Brief Mention of Rape

  • One Day You Will

    Why did Sam automatically know it was Lucifer in Free to be You and Me? Because they had met before in less violent terms.

  • Unfaithful

    Sam leaving wasn't as cut and dried as the show portrays. Sam was the main reason for the event unfolding.