
  • Dinner, Nagini

    Given that Crimes of Grindelwald established Nagini was a woman, here’s how that scene could have gone.

  • On the Nature of Auras

    What are auras? Are they applicable only to the magically mighty? And if so, why? Filius Flitwick explains this oft misubderstood phenomenon.

  • Hardest Truths

    Some which you never want to accept.

  • Serenity is Extinct

    Harry Potter has a terrible, horrible no-good day.

  • The Wind in her Hair

    Different places and different phases. A series of fem!Harry drabbles.

  • Potter Family Moments

    A few drabbles about the Potter family based on some word prompts and using different POV's. Enjoy.

  • On the Nature of Auras

    What are auras? Are they applicable only to magically mighty, and if so, why? Filius Flitwick attempts to shed light on this oft misunderstood magical phenomenon. AU

  • This Terrible Knowledge

    Sometimes the truth is ease leave a review