

  • Help These Poor CUNTRIES

    The countries are on the loose! The Germancest fans find out something shocking! What comes next! Rated T because there are some things in the story that aren't for children.

  • Punishment

    nanaki x shuu a fill for hatofulkink but i have no balls to actually post it there so. SMUT Shuu has been messing with students too much lately, so Kazuaki decides to give him a literal taste of his own medicine and tricks Shuu into taking some of his own drugs. Kazuaki has no idea what those drugs exactly were, though. They end up being aphrodisiacs

  • Hatoful Boyfriend Information and Bios

    so technically the ages were discovered and calculated by me and it's all set in the future so yeah enjoy i guess it will be rated t later

  • Loyalty

    loyalty is the name of maria's theme! alfred drevis x maria

  • GARRY: User Guide and Manual

    CONGRATULATIONS! You've just bought a GARRY unit. In order to ensure your relationship with him, we hope you read this manual before you handle this unit.

  • RYOUTA KAWARA: User Guide and Manual

    RYOUTA KAWARA: User Guide and Manual CONGRATULATIONS! You just received a RYOUTA KAWARA unit. This unit is one of our most easiest to make best friends with. This manual will help you provide for your unit!

  • IWAMINE SHUU: User Guide and Manual

    CONGRATULATIONS! You have just purchased an IWAMINE SHUU unit. This manual will help keep you safe all times!