
  • Well, Love was kind for a time, Now it just aches and makes me blind

    One day in the forest, while working for the Wizard, Glinda hears coughing. Not Majorly Edit. Major Character death. Sad, but hopeful ending.

  • I'm going to need your arm

    While breaking out of yet another prison, Rocket Raccoon steal a certain Terran ex-assassin's metal arm. This event leads to Peter Quill meeting childhood hero Captain America. It also gives Team Star a way home back to Earth. One-Shot. This is unlikely to happen in the films.

  • Try so hard to break out of their little worlds

    (Contains HDM! Daemons) A LONG ROAD SERIES: Part 1 "The serum amplifies everything that is inside." When a animal appears in the lab after Steve Rogers becomes a super soldier, he learns about soul-creatures. Together they will face evil foes, with claws, and teeth ready to rip into his soul. Old allies with unbreakable bonds help, as their own demons threaten to consume them.

  • The Friendly Match

    Two ordinary people with extraordinary destinies meet one day at a friendly match and discuss Superheroes.