
  • Forgotten

    I hate it; being tossed aside like a broken toy; being shoved out of the way for the likes of more interesting characters. Am I no more than an old, obscure playable character? Why does no one pay attention to the likes of me? Why am I forgotten?

  • The Concept of Insanity

    Is my life flashing before my eyes? Is it but a flashback to my greatest moments before I take my final bow and let my plan go with me? The answer, undoubtably, is YES.

  • An Unlikely Friendship

    A rewrite of t.1234's Friendships From Different Worlds! Kirby is unwillingly tossed into a completely different dimension. A world with intelligent children and imaginative dogs, but danger is lurking around and Kirby must unite with his new friends to stop it.

  • And You Were There!

    Tiffany F. Ebrum attends a strange boarding school for gifted children, and when she befriends the new kid in school, she's about to have the most wild ride of her life. AU, No OCs. R&R please!

  • Stan Squared

    "When looking through my looking glass, I spied a trusted face. Alas, not to be taken for him am I. Beware, therefore, the Gemini." He was my everything; my life, my friend, my double, my brother. And I let him go. Stanley Pines FTW!

  • Strangers in a Strange Land

    Pop Star used to be a quiet, peaceful, obscure little planet. Then it became a safe haven for the last of their kind. Family, Tragedy, a little humor here and there. Kirby references galore! Rated T for slight swearing and death. My first fanfic! Please tell me what you think!

  • Slightly Broken

    Did they really mean all those hurtful comments? Am I just a joke? I used to think everybody had at least a little good in their hearts. But I'm not so sure anymore. A surprisingly deep hurt/comfort fic about hurtful words and loyal family.

  • Silent Knight

    ...Well, not anymore. A thunderstorm and power outage show that Adeleine is frailer than she seems, but comfort from Meta Knight may fix that. THE FIRST ADOKNIGHT FIC IN THE HISTORY OF EVER!