
  • Spectacles

    [Drabble. Spoilers for Chapter 699 & 700] The real reason why Uchiha Sarada wears glasses.

  • Indispensable

    [Drabble Series. For SasuSaku Month 2014] Because he is Sasuke and she is Sakura, being married is not as easy as saying I do. /Prompt 31: Three Wishes/

  • Be Careful of What You Ask For

    [Crack!Drabble. Mitsuhide x Suffering. Slight Caesar x Ichihime] Mitsuhide learns the true meaning of being careful of what you asked for.

  • Self-control, Or Lack Thereof

    [Drabble. Caesar x Ichihime] Caesar realized too late that maybe commissioning Da Vinci to draw Ichihime's portrait wasn't a good idea after all.

  • Annoyed, Not Jealous

    [Drabble. Caesar x Ichihime] No, she wasn't jealous. Ichihime was just a tiny bit annoyed. Her husband was just too handsome for his own good.

  • The In-betweens

    [Drabble Collection. Caesar x Ichihime.] It was the little moments that define what they share. /Now Multi!Verse/

  • Memories of Rose

    [Two shots. Caesar x Ichihime] When the General from the West Star came and asked for her to be his queen in exchange for a truce, she knew there was only one answer. She just didn't expect that she would learn to like it at all. /Caesar and Ichihime: The untold story of their married life/

  • Years, Decades, Centuries

    [AU. SasuSaku. Oneshot] Uchiha Sasuke continued to watch the world change, waiting for the time their paths would cross again.

  • Subtleness, The Art of

    Drabble. AsuCaga. She was good friends with Athrun Zala. Maybe it was the reason why she was still not married?