
  • We're gonna beat them, Newt

    This scene takes place shortly after the Gladers discover that Newt is not immune to the Flare. When night comes and Thomas has fallen asleep, Minho gets down from his bunk bed and comforts Newt.

  • Running Through the Electric Storm

    ((This scene takes place during the lightning storm from chapter 24 of The Scorch Trials, and is from Newt's POV, with added Minewt at the end.)) As Newt tries his best to reach the shelter in time, his limp grows worse and his worry for his life increases. He barely notices Minho missing until he spots Thomas dragging him to safety.

  • The Explosion

    When the stacks Wade lived in are blown up as well as his own family, he reflects on how utterly alone he is. (Spoilers for Ch. 14)