

  • Hell in a Handbasket

    This is an AU story chronicling Red and Liz in a zombie apocalypse. They were at odds when it began, so how will they survive when they only have each other and no one else? Can they learn to work together and figure out their complicated relationship while on the run? ON HIATUS

  • Three Times Liz Felt Possessive (and the one time it wasn't her)

    Liz just can't help herself. She feels possessive of Red. Let the angst (and occasional humor) ensue.

  • Guilt

    I kind of felt cheated that we didn't get to see them dance more, so I wrote my own dance scene. Spoilers for "Madeline Pratt".

  • The One Time Red Gave Her His Hat, and the One Time She Took It

    This is for the tumblr prompt: Liz wears Red's hat. Set in the future, like usual. :)

  • Say Something

    This is for the Tumblr prompt: Liz and Red dance. Set one or two years in the future with Tom out of the picture.

  • Undercover

    Jack and Sam have to go undercover as a married couple in order to preserve Sam's life. It's going to end up being a lot more difficult than they'd thought to not act on their unresolved feelings for each other. Set during season 8, right after Sam is promoted to Lt. Colonel. ON HIATUS

  • Red's Birthday Surprise

    Red hates birthdays, and this year isn't any different until Liz shows up at his house.

  • The Accidental and the Purposeful

    This is in response to the "Liz punches Red" prompt on tumblr. I wanted the title to be "The One Time Liz Accidentally punched Red, and the One Time it Was On Purpose." Too long I guess. So that's what this fic is called.

  • Stories They Tell

    This is for the tumblr prompt "Liz sees Red's tattoos". What happens when she sees them when she's not supposed to?

  • Her Protector

    This is a Boston Legal/Blacklist fic. Liz comes to Alan Shore as a last resort after Tom is released from prison after he almost kills her. She never expected to fall for Alan in the process. Red is not a character in this fic, but Alan is a lot like Red in many respects; and of course both characters are played by James Spader, so that makes it ok, right? ;) ON HIATUS

  • The Farmer

    This is a one-shot set immediately after "The Cyprus Agency". Red gets a phone call from a heartbroken Liz.

  • Three Times Red Almost Tells Liz He Loves Her (and one time he does)

    Red keeps trying to tell Liz how he feels about her, but circumstances keep preventing him from doing so.

  • The Future Mrs Reddington

    This is a fic set 7 years in the future. They've just finished taking down #1 on Red's list and Liz is left wondering what's going to happen next with them. Do they have a future together?

  • Three Times Liz and Red Almost Kissed (and the one time they did)

    Liz and Red have danced around each other for far too long. They're finally ready to move things forward, but they keep getting interrupted. This is meant to be somewhat humorous, while probably being angsty too.

  • Reception

    Flynn and Vega pretend to be a couple at his father's wedding reception. Set right before "Pitfall".

  • The End or the Beginning?

    Terrorist attacks have left Liz and Red on the run. What happens when they finally find somewhere safe? AU. Beginning is set in season 1.

  • Light

    This is what I would have like to have happened during the CPR scene in last night's episode. Spoilers for Luther Braxton.

  • Christmas Memories

    Red takes Liz to a place that holds many memories for him; some happy, some sad. Will Liz being there help heal his heart? Written for the Facebook Secret Santa exchange for tmmachado.

  • What Could Be

    Angie wakes up Christmas morning to find that everything has changed. Now she has to determine if that change is for the better. For No-more-pawn for the Motive Secret Santa gift exchange.

  • Vigil

    Continuance scene for "The Front". Red sits at Liz's bedside and waits for her to wake up.