

  • Sweet dreams

    Tohru gets a horrible nightmare in the middle of the night. Kyo comes in and comforts her.

  • Innocent chii

    Chii sees finds something that will make hideki very happy:P

  • Sebastian is jelly

    Sebastian gets jealous of what Elizabeth is doing to Ciel.. ;) He has to fix this problem. Rated M. Lemon! Reviews please :3

  • Kyo and Tohru Lemon

    Kyo and Tohru. Rated M! ;) One shot. Yeahhh. Sexiness.

  • My first Dauntless party

    Tris goes to a dauntless party to celebrate her for becoming officially dauntless. Rated M. For upcoming lemons in the next couple of chapters!:P

  • Four loves me!

    Tris just got attacked by Peter,Drew,and Al. Four saves her and asks her to stay at his place.

  • Fear

    Al confronts Tris. What will she do?

  • Haruhi's engagement! 3

    Haruhi gets nervous as to what Tamaki is up to.XD

  • HauhixTamaki lemon

    The host club goes on a trip to the beach but what will happen when Haruhi has to share a room with Tamaki? Rated M. for lemons!:P

  • The birds and the bees

    Tohrus feeling better. But what will happen? XD

  • A kiss on the head

    Tohru gets sick and what will Kyo do?XD

  • A Night To Remember

    Kyo and Tohru get married!