Kimblee Whitehead

  • Froakie Voice

    The Salon Maiden Anabel was sick. She was gross, unkept, probably contagious, and her voice was in shambles. The last thing she wanted, or needed was a guest. But...that's exactly what she got. AbilityShipping.

  • Beach City Community Theater

    Strange events have been occurring all over Beach City, caused by something sinister. However, the gems are distracted, as Pearl and Greg seem to have a secret. Yet...all these mysteries seem to have one thing in common. The Beach City Community Theater.

  • Sweet Dreams Tea

    Lars had spent the entire day telling Sadie how lame she was. But when Sadie can't enjoy the long summers with her friends, Lars brings her a small surprise.

  • Gem Noir

    AU: Rose Quartz is a private investigator in a city ravaged by crime. When a man comes to her with a simple case, she finds fighting against the mob, a corrupt police force, and an illusive gem thief. Has she bitten off more then she could chew?

  • Control & Chaos

    Long ago, Pearl sacrificed herself to save Rose from a monster. But when she retreated into her gem, she took a bit of the monster with her. When the monster threatens to bring havoc once more, Steven and the Gems find that their greatest threat is now one of their own. Will they save the world, or fall at the sword of their friend?

  • Rocks and Pebbles

    She told them to stand against the wall, still as a statue, while she threw rocks at them. Whoever still stood when she was out of rocks could call himself her friend. And Baatar was determined: Kuvira would be his friend.

  • Desperate Measures for Desperate Times

    Some missions are sketchy. Some missions are both. Republic City is in grave danger, danger the president doesn't want the Avatar getting involved in. Lin Beifong leads a team of the world's most notorious criminals to face this threat. But can a terrorist and a dictator really be trusted? Probably not, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

  • Puppetshow

    Beach City has been taken over by a vengeful gem, and Steven's the only one who can save it. I know what you're thinking, sounds stereotypical, right? Well, there's a twist! This vengeful gem has possessed the other Crystal Gems. If Steven wants to save his city, he has to defeat them first.

  • Twelve Seasons

    Before becoming a ruthless dictator, Kuvira started out as a loyal guard of Zaofu. In the time she set out to unite the Earth Kingdom, she changed. She grew. She found love. She became ruthless.

  • Beyond the Metal Walls

    When transferring jail cells, Kuvira finds her captor's have made a grave mistake...her prison cell is made of metal. Could this be her chance at freedom?

  • History Book

    Ten year old Kuvira hides in the Bei Fong library, and makes an interesting discovery.

  • This Protector

    On the discovery that she is pregnant, Rose reflects on her life, and makes it her mission to protect her child from the cruelty of the world. Based off This Protector, by The White Stripes

  • The Traveler's Tales

    Gem magic is a curious thing. While it is beautiful, it is also deadly. Rose Quartz lives a nomadic life, traveling the world, helping those ailed by gem magic, trying to prevent other from suffering her fate. Unfortunately, history tends to repeat itself. An Origin Story.

  • Mistakes Caused by Panic

    Everyone hasseen Sadie at her best, but only Lars has seen her at her worst.

  • Birthday Cake

    After a stressful day, a conversation with Amethyst leaves and an impression on Garnet. And so, the leader of the Gems decides to show her appreciation for her teammate. One-shot.