
  • The First Frost

    How Jack and Elsa met. An unelaborated, raw, feels full piece of writing on the Jelsa ship.

  • Annoyance

    Kahoko x Azuma drabble. Happens after the anime/manga. Happens after Kahoko and Len are no more. What is comfort, what is annoyance, what is the night?

  • Imagine

    Original cred MeltyPrincess Sherlock has secrets too, and a little imagination never hurt anyone.

  • Nevermore in Forevermore

    Deviating from canon. What if Sherlock never returned? Short piece to try to write from the John perspective, with asexual! Sherlock with slight actual Johnlock at the end if you squint I guess. Johnlock overtones throughout, and a post-Reichenbach fic for which I am not sorry for feels. Rated T for certain slightly mature themes.

  • The Ghost of Cadences

    Sherlock's Mind Palace and IV, V, I.(Cadences) As to their relationship, I leave you to decide. Unrequited, unmentioned, sweet fluffy love. Updated and slightly rewritten 3.4.14 Two part story with Reichenbach Feels added!

  • Drown

    Johnlock. I cannot elaborate. First contribution to an amazing fandom

  • C'est La Vie

    The life lived is cruel. We cannot hide, we cannot delude. Vignettes featuring ExD when there is a mishap. Rated T for themes that children may not understand/accept. Character deaths, feels, tears and everything.

  • Ten Things

    Ten Things About Elizabeth Darcy (nee Bennet) that No Other Man should know. What if Darcy was real, and this had been found in an excavation site? Obviously, a true Austenian would post such an outrageous piece online after finding it at an excavation site of what had formerly been Pemberley.

  • Claws

    Adam x Blake. Quick sketch of what happened in between the Black trailer from Adam POV and after the RWBY S1 from both POV. T for heavily!implied sex.