Skyward Princess of Time

  • Help Wanted

    Following the events of Twilight Princess, Link searches for a job in Castle Town. Apparently being the "hero" isn't a good résumé booster. Post TP, Zelink. Oneshot.

  • The Forbidden Escapade of the Goddess

    "You must not go to him. Remember what we discussed?" Yes, Zelda remembered, and no, she did not have to listen to a word Impa said. SS, Zelink. Oneshot.

  • When the Shield Became the Sword

    For as long as she could remember, Zelda was always the helpless damsel in distress shielded by the greatest protection Hyrule could offer: the legendary Hero. When Link suddenly falls mysteriously ill, Zelda is forced to take up the sword. Zelink. Oneshot.

  • Numb

    How can a hero be a hero if he can't even walk? And how is said useless hero possibly fit to marry Hyrule's greatest princess? Post TP, Zelink. Oneshot.

  • The Legend of Midna: THE Twilight Princess

    When the evil ones have had their feast, look to the light for the blue-eyed beast. A novelization of Twilight Princess from the viewpoint of the Twilight Princess herself. TP, MidLink, Zelink.

  • Pretentious

    On the eve of Hyrule's greatest celebration of the year, Princess Zelda finds herself desperately searching for a date. But no matter how hard she may try, she always gets turned down. It must be because she's the princess, right? Post TP, Zelink. Oneshot.

  • The Hyrule Warrior

    Zelda wasn't going to sit idly by and watch her one lone competent soldier come home hurt from every battle. She was the Princess of Hyrule, and how could she protect her people when she couldn't even protect the man she loved? Zelink. Oneshot.

  • Those Who Bear Courage

    In a futuristic world where brainwashing controls the general populace, Link must unite with the true Princess of Hyrule, Zelda, to take back the throne and return peace to Hyrule. Rewrite of Ascension. Zelink, MidLink.

  • Expect the Unexpected

    In an alternate version of Hyrule, Princess Zelda must find the master swordsman Link in order to save her people. Oneshot.

  • The Oblivion of Men

    "Welcome to the Item Check…darling." Link's kind personality had earned him a lot of friends over the years…and unwanted female admirers, apparently. SS/Post-SS, Zelink. Oneshot.