
  • Pain of the Past

    Natsu seems to be a strong, carefree, and confident teen. But, like everybody, he has a weak side he keeps hidden out of fear. But when a misunderstanding between him and Lucy causes Lucy to go on a dangerous mission alone, Natsu realizes that he's going to have to face his fears and not let his past mistakes hold him back. (co-author: electricblue1214. Rated T to be safe)

  • Pine Needles

    When Master Makarov sent Team Natsu to go buy a Christmas Tree, he should have expected disaster... For EsteVamp4998's writing challenge #1. (Implied Gruvia and Nalu)

  • I Know You

    (Formally the collection "With You") One day, Natsu leaves the guild leaving only a note behind. Determined to get him back, Lucy, Happy, Erza, and Gray try to find him. When Lucy finds him first, she realizes that he needs a little help in getting back in-tune with himself. Sometimes all it takes are a few encouraging words...

  • Guardian Angel

    Zane is dead. And Lloyd does not take it well. He goes to drastic measures in an attempt to make himself feel better...but it only makes it worse... "It doesn't matter..." But it does... To someone at least. (Lloyd/Pixal One-Shot. Don't like, don't read. Rated T for depressing shiz and blood. No flames.)

  • There's Good in This World

    Read if you are stressed, depressed, sad, overwhelmed, or even just a bit bored with your life. This is a true story that happened to me. I hope this gives you a postitive outlook on life. Dedicated to my friend Allisonc2001.

  • The Scent of Blood

    Maka is 6 souls away from turning Soul into a Death Scythe. However, something happens that could ruin their partnership forever. Words fly, tears are shed, and love blooms. All the while, an old evil grows stronger, preparing for revenge. Soul and Maka will need the help of their friends more than ever to survive the battle and repair their broken souls. (ON HIATUS)

  • Blackout

    (Updated summary) Zane chose the noble choice...but it came back to haunt him. There he was, separated from his friends by darkness, watching as they slowly crumble into dust... And the horrible thing is...he caused it. Even worse...now he enjoys watching them suffer. (Called "a universe of feels" by a reviewer. So bring tissues.)

  • Compatible

    *Spoilers for Ninjago Rebooted: Art of the Silent Fist* A song/poem thingy about Zane and Pixal and what happens at the end of Episode 28. Review please! But no Flames.

  • Shattered

    He thinks it was all his fault. He thinks he should've done something. All he knows for certain is that he doesn't want to be himself anymore. (A one-shot. Rated T because I'm totally paranoid. Warning: Mentioned character death. No slash intended)

  • Only the Young

    Hope is dying, hanging from a thread. The sky is stained black, purple, and red. Goodbye, foolish children, you're better off dead. (Warning, implied character death.)

  • Mistakes

    Soul and Maka are on a mission to catch a deadly witch from harming Death City. However, when Maka makes a small mistake, it could cost them more than just a few seconds of their life... (Slight Soma. T because...it's Soul Eater :P No flames. R&R)

  • Revolution

    *spoilers for my story Blackout* Kai has been in a coma for a month, separated from the outside world. His friends are gone, either evil, dead, or lost. So when two mysterious girls offer to let him join a rebellion against the Overlord's tyranny, Kai accepts. Little does he know that one of his closest friends is plotting to kill him and destroy everything he has left...

  • Hidden Desire

    (Book 5) *Spoilers for Hidden Sacrifice* About a month has passed since the Overlord's third defeat. The girls' training has begun, and they can't help but think that Sensei's hiding something. Hidden in the dark, Skales has an evil plan to get revenge on the one Ninja who trapped him. However, when his plan backfires, his target's life isn't the only one who's life is in danger.

  • Fear for the Future

    *Spoilers for Pain of the Past* A letter...a warning...a call to battle. Of course, Natsu can't resist. Confident that his victory is sealed, he walks straight into the fight. But his eyes are blind to the truth...the reason why Ronon hates him...the trap he has set...and the way he is going to get his revenge on Natsu Dragneel, once and for all... (Cover image is mine :D)

  • One Thousand Minus Seven

    *Anime Spoilers* (Seven hundred and ninety-seven...) His mind was empty. Those numbers, those damned cursed numbers, were the only thing left...not including the pain, of course...but that was a given...the pain was always there... The only way out of this place was in a body bag. (Rated T for safety. One shot.)

  • Monster

    It all happened so fast. We were arguing about something I can't even remember... I didn't mean to do it, I swear... I just lost control... I thought I could control the fire inside of me... I don't even know whether or not I regret the words I said... But I do know one thing... I am a monster. (Rated T for language)

  • Free

    It was supposed to be the best Valentine's Day ever. But she wishes she were somewhere else, anywhere else. If only she could be at home, sitting by herself... (Oneshot. My entry for EsteVamp4998's writing challenge #3. Possible spoilers for anything in the anime. Rated T for mild language)

  • Happily Ever After?

    (Originally part of a oneshot collection: now separated.) Natsu has come down with the flu, so Lucy takes care of him. She reads him a fantasy book she wrote, and gets a reaction she never would've expected... (Implied Nalu)

  • My Light

    (Originally part of a oneshot collection: now separated.) The dark has always scared Lucy, or at least, what could possibly be in it. So when Team Natsu decides to camp out in a dark cave for the night, Lucy was paranoid. (Implied Nalu.)

  • The Two Word Challenge

    (Originally part of a oneshot collection: now separated.) Mira proposes a challenge: describe a guild member in only two words. Normally, that'd be pretty simple. But in Fairy Tail, nothing is ever easy. (Implied Nalu, Gruvia, and Gale)