

  • I'll keep you safe - Phan

    PHAN ONE SHOT! Contains: Fluff, panick attack/shock. Dan and Phil get stuck in a lift at the BBC, all would be fine if Dan didn't have claustrophobia and starts freaking out, Phil tries to help calm him down, Dan is taken to hospital for shock. When they get back home Dan is still a bit scared and can't sleep so Phil cuddles him to sleep. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • I can't do this - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOTS! Contains: Fluff, hurt/comfort, slight panic attack. Dan hasn't been sleeping properly due to stress. Phil try to convince him to come to bed, but Dan has a break-down. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan.

  • Everything is not alright - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Fluff, angst, chronic illness, very protective and angry Phil. Dan suffers from bad epilepsy and gets a fit on a flight back to London. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • Renegade (Phandom Big Bang)

    It's World War 2. Phil, a young German soldier, is stationed in Denmark. There he meets Dan - a rebellious Danish school boy who is intent on making his job hell. But before long, they realise they have more in common than they'd have thought. How do you hide a friendship when you come from two different sides of a war? Fluff/angst/war/violence/death (it's really good)

  • I'll heal the hole in your heart - Phan

    PHAN CHAPTERED! Contains: Friendship, relationship development, fluff, angst, chronic illness. Dan suffers from a really bad heart condition and is all alone until Phil comes along as the new kid. He stays with Dan and they become really close friends. Phil helps Dan through the illness and life's struggles. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • Let me help you - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Hurt/comfort, blood, pure awkwardness. Dan manage to break his left arm and need Phil's help becuase he can't open his jeans when he needs the toilet. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Phan.

  • Collection of Phan drabbles

    Collection of Phan drabbles (stories under a 1000 words) based on one word prompts. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan.

  • I'm not going back - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Fluff, illness, hurt/comfort. Dan suffers from LBS (light bladder syndrome). Dan and Phil are at Playlist live and things doesn't go as planed. danisnotonefire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • I hate this - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Chronic illness, fluff, slight angst. Dan and Phil do a panel on VidCon. But Dan suffers from narcolepsy and has a hard time staying awake. He falls asleep behind the stage and Phil takes cares of him. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • Radio Fails - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: AU, purefluff, cuteness. Dan isn't a youtuber, but Phil is, and one day he takes Dan with him to work at the radio. But Dan is a little shy about being in front of the camera and all Phil's fans for the first time. Phil thinks it's adorable. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • The Pumpkin, the Princess, and the Fairy Godmother - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Pure fluff, disability. It's Halloween and Dan and Phil's five year-old-daughter, Emily, wants to go trick-or-treating. But that might be a problem as Dan is stuck in a wheelchair. But Phil and Emily come up with a brilliant idea. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • Where's Phil? - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Chronic illness, fluff, slight angst. Dan's doing a live show while Phil's out when his epilepsy starts acting up. Phil comes home in time to help him. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • I'm not nervous - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: AU, pure fluff. Dan isn't a youtuber, but Phil is, and he wants to show Dan to his fans so he brings him to a Playlist Live meet up. But Dan's almost too shy and nervous to talk to them. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan.

  • It was an accident - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Fluff, angst, tw; blood, comfort. Dan's having a bad night and can't sleep because of his epilepsy. Phil tries to help him get to sleep and finally succeed. They're both tired the next day and while they're cuddling on the sofa Dan get's cramps and give Phil a pretty bad nosebleed. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • Ready to go? - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Fluff, hurt/comfort, chronic illness. Dan suffers from LBS (light bladder syndrome) Dan and Phil have to go on a long car trip with Chris and PJ. Dan's nervous because of his problem so Phil tries to help. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan.

  • Don't touch me - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: AU, angst, fluff, PTSD, mentions of kidnapping. Dan has developed PTSD after being kidnapped two years ago. Phil knows how to deal with him and tries to help him whenever he's feeling bad. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • You can come join me? - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Pure fluff. Dan isn't a youtuber. Phil's in the middle of a younow where Dan wakes up from a nap and enters the room. Dan's super shy so he just kinda smiled and sits there cuddling Phil. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • Take your time - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Fluff, angst, chronic illness. Information: Dan suffers from bad epilepsy. Dan is visiting Phil for the first time and gets a fit. Phil panics. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan

  • Good morning - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Fluff, comfort, chronic illness. Dan suffers from narcolepsy and falls asleep doing the radio show alone as Phil is gone to his parents. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Dan howell, Phil Lester, Phan

  • Stay still - Phan

    PHAN ONESHOT! Contains: Fluff, pre-smut, comfort, chronic illness. Information: Dan suffers from asthma and gets a fit right before Dan and Phil are about to have sex. danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, Phan