

  • Hero: New Justice?

    Ranma takes on Darkseid! Part of the SMST & TRT saga.

  • Hero United: Hulkusagi vs The Hulk!

    A different take on "The Omega Hulk" storyline in the latest issue of HULK, but set in the SMST Universe...

  • Moon Bunnies in Space: A Sailor Moon & Star Trek Story

    A crossover, fusion story of IGN's top ten TOS episodes and Sailor Moon...

  • The Ranma Trek Original!

    Expands upon "The Ranma Trek Story" beyond just a mere mention of the adventures of Ranma Saotome in the world of 'Trek! A companion to "The Ranma Trek Renaissance" (featuring the world of the Next Generation), which also expands on The Ranma Trek Story. Special guest: Sailor Moon!

  • Hero: Ranma of Steel!

    Ties into "Man of Steel" and a host of other crossovers obliquely.

  • Sailor Moon: Trapped On Memory Lane!

    The Moon Princess relives her life within the body of her past self. Guest star: the cast of "Ranma Half"!

  • SMST: A Guide to the Tsuki-52!

    A listing of the local multiverse as created by a certain Moon Princess...

  • Hero United: The Super Sanin!

    Another ridiculous story entry featuring Sailor Moon, Ranma Half, elements of Naruto and Marvel Comics.

  • Everyone Loves Mamoru!

    The Guardian of Earth does NOT have a normal life, as Mamoru ("Tuxedo Mask") Chiba's day begins to unfold. A limited series. Special guest: Ranma Saotome of "Ranma Half"! Slightly cracked...

  • Ranma's Wives: Fairy Tales Edition!

    Not even the world of the Disney Princess can withstand the charms of the princely Ranma Saotome! Special guest: Sailor Moon!

  • The Heart of Sailor Moon!

    Take a journey, as the heart of the once and future Moon Princess is explored. Part of the SMST & TRT storylines...

  • Enter: The Hulkusagi!

    A Sailor Moon and Hulk crossover...sort of. Possible crack fiction.

  • Hero United!

    Basically, this is Sailor Moon set in the DC and Marvel Comics cinema universe...

  • Ranma's Wives: Avengers Edition!

    A request from a reader given form. Ranma, Sailor Moon, Marvel Comics, etc. One-Shot.