Trinity Everett

  • Lightning Flashes

    Richard Castle gets the surprise of his life and looks to his longtime friend, Kate Beckett, for support. Will she be able to step up and help him with his newest challenge? - Caskett, AU. For Castle Ficathon 2020.

  • Common Ground

    Castle finds out a little bit more about someone special in his partner's life. Tyler-verse. Pre-Caskett. AU Fic.

  • In Every Universe

    "She's better off with me and I'm better off with her." In every universe, they're better off together. Caskett. A Collection of Alternate Universe Oneshots. Meeting AUs, Job AUs, Canon Divergent AUs, All the AUs - All Caskett. Castle Ficathon Winter 2021

  • Gifts of Love Large and Small

    Castle family holiday hijinks. A story of Christmas love and joy. Caskett, post-series fic. Castle Ficathon Winter 2021.

  • In Abundance

    "She's his partner, his friend, his – well, nothing else right now, but hopefully his future, too; he's not going to leave her sitting in a bar at 5:45 in the evening, the day before Thanksgiving with nowhere to go." A Season 4 Thanksgiving-themed Ficlet. Caskett

  • Guiding Light

    Castle and Beckett spend a quiet evening in for their anniversary. Post-Series ficlet. Caskett.

  • Never Let Me Go

    A collection of Tony and Michelle hugs and cuddles ficlets based entirely on prompts from a tumblr challenge. Newest prompt: Bear Hugs - Tony just wants a little bit of muddy love.

  • Counter Proposals

    A long drive deserves a lazy afternoon. A Caskett future!fic.

  • What The Couch Hears

    Castle and Beckett share more secrets, and a few non-secrets, too. Post-5x18.


    Kate Beckett's not above doing crazy things to make her family happy.

  • IOU

    "And lastly, I brought you a game." "A game?" "Yes, a game. I play them, too." "I know you do." He smiled dopily again, probably remembered the games they usually played. "Is it my kind of game?" - Nikki and Rook play another round of strip Proust, or something like it.

  • Not The Lion King

    Castle and Beckett introduce their family to someone important. Future!fic, fluffy!fic, based on a photo that came across my tumblr dash.

  • As The Story Goes

    A collection of Caskett drabbles, ficlets, and one-shots based on prompts. Today's offering: Business As Usual - She's beautiful and soft, almost delicate in the pale moonlight, an utter contrast from the angry chaos of just a few hours ago. K /T Rated.

  • Out of the Blue

    Kate arrives at the loft for an impromptu visit and she comes bearing news. A Season 6 AU that picks up after the beginning of 6x01, Valkyrie.

  • A Hobby

    He's not exactly a photographer, but he's happy to give them these memories. Post-7x06.

  • Maritari

    A collection of Caskett oneshots centered around. Fourth and fifth chapters: Marry me. We can hold hands and go to parties that we end up ditching to drink wine out of the bottle in the bathtub together. Marry me. Slow dance with me in our bedroom with an unmade bed and candles on the nightstand.

  • Splatter Patterns

    Castle and Beckett play paintball. - A season 3 ficlet.

  • Quiet Supplication

    A 7x15 Speculation fic: His forehead lands against her sternum in quiet supplication. Whatever it takes to be worthy of having this woman, he'll do it, because she's still here, still with him.

  • A Home

    A few days before Christmas, Kate wakes up to a surprise at home. - A follow-up piece to A Hobby and A Gift.

  • In the Light of Day

    He told her once that he had no clue what they were. He still has no idea. Not after so many nights spent in her bed, not after she's spent nights in his.