
  • The Swarm Lord: Radical Rewrite

    In a world of magic, monsters, warfare, and hardship, one already-shattered family finds itself at the center of a continent-wide struggle for survival against brutal and savage creatures that they've never seen before. But it quickly becomes clear that all is not what it appears to be, and sometimes, the bonds that hold people together become the very force that drives them apart.

  • At the Rogue's Anvil

    A barbarian returns from battle to sell his latest loot.

  • Memories

    A girl wakes up in a stranger's tent without a clue in the world as to who she is or how she got there, and embarks on an epic quest to rediscover herself. But when she starts to piece her past back together, what she finds puts her at odds with the present, and threatens to tear her future apart.

  • Fire Emblem: Into Insanity

    Well, I'm not sure how it happened, or where to go from here, but here I am. I knew it would happen at some point, and I'm actually surprised it took this long to get here. I'm not hopelessly lost, thankfully, but it's definitely going to take some time to wrap my head around this. But it could be worse. I could be stuck in another one of those Awakening Self-Inserts.

  • Stories of the Swarm (rewrite)

    "There was a time when people could trust each other. We all fought the Swarm, fought to keep our friends and family safe. There weren't 'Converts' or 'ILBs.' You didn't have to look over your shoulder to make sure you weren't gonna get stabbed in the back. People could trust each other. Now the only ones we trust are ourselves, and even then there's only so much we can control..."

  • The Millennium Crusade

    The Second Crusade is in full swing, and a dark force lurks in the shadows. The only thing standing between them and their goal is Adria d'Nari: a Crusader knight with a deck of magical cards that can summon powerful creatures to fight. But when her fight in the Holy Land kicks up more than sand, will she survive, or will the world she worked so hard to build come crumbling down?

  • Commander's Notes

    A series of one-shots detailing some of the mechanics found in game from the point of view of the Commanders.

  • Drop Pods

    A GDI Drop Trooper contemplates the technology behind his survival.