
  • Of Pianos and Panic

    It's her eighteenth birthday, and Maka Albarn is finally getting the evening she dreamed of for so long. But, will one unanticipated setback ruin her special night? ***POSSIBLE TRIGGERS FOR THOSE WITH ANXIETY/PANIC ATTACKS***

  • Personal Headcanons

    My dumping ground for shorter one shots that relate to my Soul Eater headcanons.

  • Bedside Manner

    A Soul Eater Hospital AU in which Maka and Black*Star are interns in Death City General's Emergency Room, and Maka manages to meet a very...eccentric Soul Evans. (SoMa Multi-Chapter)

  • Bandages

    A Soul Eater Boxing AU in which Soul is an up-and-coming boxing star, and Maka is an already-up-and-come ace sports reporter. Their chemistry is undeniable from the first interview, but things so sour quickly when Soul's past comes back to haunt him... TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR: ABUSE, ALCOHOLISM, AND MILD GORE. READ AD YOUR OWN DISCRETION.

  • The Ability to Move Forward

    In a world so steeped in events of an unfortunate nature, it's only natural that a pair of orphans would seek solace in one another's company... (An angsty, slightly fluffy, but non-sexual, VioletxQuigley drabble)

  • Soul After the Dentist

    Much like the famed YouTube video, "David After the Dentist," this is a little account of what happens to patients after the dentist has gotten them high on pain meds and laughing gas... ((Might or might not continue. We'll see.))

  • Psychedelic Soul Jams

    My own little collection of song-based Soul Eater one shots. A nice mix of genres, so far. (T for themes and language in one of the shots. Most of them are K ish, though the themes are kind of dark, I'm leaning towards T.) ((The rights and ownership of each song go/goes to their respectable holders/owners.))

  • The Woman in the Mirror

    Who knew Halloween could turn so scary so fast... Trigger/Light Stomach Warning: Descriptions of body parts and blood (non-sexual) that could be disturbing to some more than to others. Read at your own discretion.

  • Get Artsy With It

    Arts and Crafts aren't exactly Maka's strong suit, but thankfully she has a fun-loving weapon who won't let that ruin a perfectly good day...

  • It's Yatori Week 2014!

    Six little one-shots I wrote for Yatori Week! Consisting of: Day 1: A Color (Indigo), Day 2: Bound, Day 3: Promise, Day 5: Firsts (I Love You), Day 6: AU (High School [Memory Loss!]), and Day 7: Whatever You Like! (Hand-holding)

  • I'll Take a Fresh Tune-Up, Romance on the Side

    Tune ups are by no means an irregularity for Winry or for Edward, but there is just something about a life or death case that tends to send people over the edge a little...But it's not always for the worst. (EdwardxWinry) *Note: I wasn't sure about the rating for this one, so I marked it T for a more than minor injury and other elements*

  • Recollections

    No matter where he goes, the backlash of his decisions haunts him, taunts him, weighs upon his heart, mind, and soul like a leech that has far out-stayed its welcome. The ones he cared for most are dead, and it's all his fault. (Rated T for unpleasant stuff.)

  • Call Your Name

    No one truly knows what happens behind closed doors, and Levi plans to keep it that way. No one needs to know that the one man army is slowly cracking on the inside... (LevixPetra ((and team)) angsty stuff. Rated T for the unpleasant theme.)

  • Accidents Happen

    That's how the old saying goes, but those two simple words won't heal a broken soul when its other half is lost. He never imagined something like this could happen, so simple, so quick, but so painful in the end. Based on teapotjee's fan art found - here. ((Rated T for character death.))

  • Jealousy Killed the Partnership, but Affection Brought It Back

    A pair of back-to-back SoulxMaka fanfics that show just what happens when Soul and Maka each try to date other people. Chapters can be read in any order. (Fluff eater) Rated T for suggestion of "adult themes"

  • Soul-EaterxHowl's Moving Castle

    Temporary dumping ground for any inspiration for my Soul Eater x Howl's crossover project. Rated T for possibly inappropriate language.

  • A Rose By Any Other Name

    A Soul-Eater Tattoo Parlour/Flower Shop AU in which Maka is a plant-loving college student, and Soul is an aspiring tattoo artist. Though their shops are right next door, they never really saw one another until that day. Rate T for possible language.

  • Eggs and Black Coffee

    A SoMa College AU, in which Maka is a meticulous English nerd, and Soul is a frustrated music major who both want the same booth in the dining hall. *Thank you to the kind anon who pointed out my error.*

  • It's SoMa Week! 2014

    Here are four of my little ficlets from SoMa week 2014! My day 6 piece, Bandages, turned out longer than these, so it's in a separate post. I have Day: 1: Roommates, Day 3: Insanity, Day 4: Loyalty, and Day 5: Wounds (An Army AU). Enjoy! (T for themes/images that might not be appropriate for younger kids. Just in case.)

  • The Glow of Fatherhood?

    Sometimes, Maka has to remember that this whole pregnancy thing is new to the both of them, and Soul has to remember not to crush the loves of his life in the midst of his joy! (Adult!SoulxMaka) ((Officially to expanding this into a series of one-shots. Thanks for the support, guys!))