
  • Formal

    Nanase Haruka is why Makoto can't have nice suits...or go to nice dinners.

  • Snowflakes

    Two lame little back-to-back ficlets about snowflakes. One with a little TeppeixRiko and one AominexMomo.

  • Just Checking

    Even she, the one who was worth one hundred men, had nightmares, one that literally catapulted her out of her bed and caused to act against her logic...but hey, she's only 15, right? (T for a kinda disturbing description...)

  • Night Terrors

    During the day, Earl Ciel Phantomhive has little trouble with reigning in the dark memories within his conscious, but once the night hours come, the past quickly comes back to haunt him.

  • Shadows of the Past

    She never thought she'd see the day when her stronghold came tumbling down, but I guess that's what happens when your support comes not from a what, but from a who. (SoulxMaka Sad Eater.) **POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING: Blood and Death**

  • Move

    You never know who you'll run into in a crowded bar on a Saturday night, but he knows for sure that she wasn't who he was expecting...But, he's not complaining. (**POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING FOR ABUSE/RAPE VICTIMS. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION**) Rated T for plot elements. (RinxShiemi)

  • The Sick Days

    Soul rarely gets sick, but on the off chance that he does, it's not like it's anything Maka can't handle...right? (SoulxMaka sicky fluff) ((Also hoping to turn this one into a series of one-shots about what happens in that little apartment when weapon and meister feel under the weather. The support I've gotten is awesome, thanks so much!))

  • The Feelies

    It's not often that she does it, but, when Maka finds herself alone a Christmastime, without the one who keeps her feeling warm and loved, she finds no problem with indulging in her secret pleasure... (SoulxMaka fluffy fluff eater)

  • Fire and Brimstone

    Things aren't all fun and games at Fairy Tail, but, good thing for Lucy, she has a loyal companion who's always there when she needs him the most... (NatsuxLucy angsty fluff)

  • Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary

    She's never believed in fairy tales, knights in shining armor, or true love, but that may be because she had everything her heart desired all along... (SoulxMaka angsty fluff)