
  • New Vegas Showtime (ft Mr Dusk, wr3h)

    In a last ditch attempt to beat the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, the God of Control banishes them to the/a future - namely, the Nevada of the early 2280s. Akira Kurusu travels around the Mojave in the search of his misplaced friends, develops opinions on the brewing conflict, and carries an actual Tokarev pistol.

  • Zwrotnica Królewska (ft Mr Dusk, wr3h)

    After a not-quite-malevolent overlord takes over Japan and Joker throws in the towel, the remaining Thieves end up rallying around a former villain they had helped atone and inducting an eager gymnast with an inferiority complex. [A sequel to Zwrotnica, focusing on the ninth/Royal Palace. Cover by wr3h]

  • Dedykowane Strzyżykowi 2: Lepiej Późno Niż Wcale

    Ann and Akira just want to watch a movie together and cuddle... but if nothing interesting happened then we wouldn't have a story, so people just keep walking in on them. (the title means "Dedicated to Wren 2", because it's a second birthday fic for him; the subtitle means "Better Late Than Never" because his birthday was a week ago)

  • System Poliwanowa

    Akechi and Futaba discuss Russian naming customs. A post-canon feghoot. (the title means "Polivanov system"; it's a system of transliterating Japanese into Russian Cyrillic script)

  • Trzydzieści Cztery

    Akechi should've known better than to open random folders on Futaba's laptop. [post-canon so expect spoilers; the title means "thirty four"]

  • Zwrotnica Królewska, chapter 19A: Do góry nie poleci

    The way deeper into Mementos is at the bottom of what used to be a panopticon. Slapstick happens to Goro. A mostly standalone outtake from Zwrotnica Królewska.

  • An Vino Veritas, or With Apologies To VampireMeerkat

    A drunk guy, an inebriated girl, a single bed. No, they don't bonk. Written for VM's birthday, contains An, Ann n Anny genderbends,

  • An Without Plot

    An returns from a convent to a not-really-expected guest in her room. A genderbent rewrite of "Ed Without Plot", rated M for More Sex Jokes.

  • Saturday An Special

    Larie Kanker, wanting to get on Ann's good side, comes over to her house with a very special gift. Vaguely f!Edd/m!Marie, based on VampireMeerkat's genderbends.

  • Worth Less Than a Thousand Words

    Assorted drabbles with some occasional continuity inbetween them. Mostly about Eds and Kankers, because that's what I'm good at.

  • Safe, Sane, Cons-Ed-Sual

    He was lonely, she was bored. Both of them deal with aftermaths of their hormones kicking in. Somewhere between T and M rating-wise. Now a two-shot! [Slightly heavier on angst than what I usually do]

  • Sympathy for the Kanker

    During a perfectly normal social drinking event, a lil' secret regarding the Kankers is revealed. One-shot, formerly known as "An Addendum to The Purgatory Theory".

  • Mistaken For Ed Redux

    Edd and Marie are on a date! Why? Well, Double D has a few reasons for inviting her, not all of them romantic. A rewrite of one of my first stories.

  • Warm Me Up

    There's a blizzard outside, and Kankers have ran out of fuel for their furnace. What do they do? Convince the Eds to bring them some, of course! But they aren't that eager to go out either... (no shipping, no rants)