The Cinderninja

  • The Shards of Narsil

    Elladan has developed a proclivity for finding loopholes in the rules.

  • Chill

    Elladan loves the winter. He does not love getting sick.

  • Hygge

    Elladan loves the winter. He doesn't love getting sick.

  • Musical Murmur

    There are unexpected complications during the birth of Elrond's sons.

  • Role Reversal

    The human transmutation goes down a little differently, and the boy's end up basically the same situation. With a few major differences.

  • Parum Fabulous

    A collection of drabbles and short stories. Mostly featuring the brothers, but the rest of the cast will all make the rounds eventually. Taking requests.

  • Misunderstandings

    Boys are idiots. Sometimes, they need a woman to set them straight. Or better yet, a little girl with a wrench.

  • Superphantom

    Really, the evening had been doomed from the start.

  • Home

    A future where the Fentons adopt Dani as one of there own. A series of short stories, mostly focusing on the Fenton Sibling Trio. There'll still be plenty of Team Phantom, the 'rents, and some Valerie thrown in. Follows canon up to D-Stabilized, but tosses Phantom Planet out the window.