
  • Pieces

    He had to learn the hard way that not all dreams come true. A series of connected drabbles about Sabo growing up without his brothers under Dragon's care and his connection to them despite their distance. [No pairings. Set before Dressrosa]

  • Disorder to Disarray

    Marco finds himself employed as the sole psychologist at the Grandline Penitentiary, a maximum-security prison that makes absolutely no sense, where he meets a strange assortment of characters... But none are more enigmatic than one Portgas D. Ace. [MarcoAce Week]

  • Phoenix Fire

    Captured by marines and waiting to be executed, Marco is surprised and confused to find himself drugged and fed a devil fruit he knows nothing about. He's even more confused when a brat barely out of his teens tries to help him. Just what the hell's going on? [MarcoAce Week - Day 1]

  • The Brother

    Law knows troublesome. Having spent so long with Strawhat Luffy, he is well aware of just how difficult some people can be. But he has yet to meet the revolutionary that Strawhat brat calls 'brother'.

  • Android

    An android is found abandoned, and Sabo takes it upon himself to house and repair it, and replace the internal battery. However, it's his brother who's there when it finally wakes.

  • The Gentleman's Muse

    A series of drabbles centred around a top hat wearing blond and pirate captain that is so done with everything.

  • The Mirror Lied

    At a disheartening point in his life, Ace encounters something interesting. While trying to escape the rain, he and his brother happen upon a small antique shop. When looking in a mirror, what does he see reflected back? [AceLu/MarcoAce - It'll make sense later, I assure]

  • A Mind's Wanderings

    A collection of disconnected AU drabbles centring around a variety of nakamaship and romantic pairings. Based around requested prompts. Set as complete but updates sporadically.

  • Heavy Lies the Crown

    Four kingdoms are stuck in a perpetual war. If they make their move, the joker will make his, and so they've been stuck like this for centuries. Sabo decides he's had enough, that he'll end it, even if the other three kings become casualties to bring about that end. But when he kills the first, Ace, he doesn't expect to be stuck with him until his goal is met-if his sanity lasts.

  • Come Back Home

    The bond between a first mate and captain runs deep, none more so than between the phoenix and the most powerful man in the world. However, the circumstances surrounding their partnership were... complex. Their encounter in the Grand Line was a shock for both... for very different reasons. It all started on a little island in West Blue. [No pairings. Set before canon.]

  • Pineapple Blaze

    A collection of disconnected AU drabbles centring around the 1st and 2nd division commanders of the Whitebeard pirates. Based around requested prompts. Set as complete but updates sporadically.

  • Fire and Straw

    A collection of disconnected AU drabbles centring around the D brothers. Based around requested prompts. Set as complete but updates sporadically.

  • Raindrops

    ThatchIzo entry for Share-the-Love-Month. Waiting in the rain can bring about some interesting random encounters.

  • The Late Shift

    Lately Luffy hasn't seen much of his childhood friend. It seems his new job's been taking up most of his time. Curious, Luffy decides to visit his workplace to see what he's been so busy doing. [Hooker!AU]

  • Legacy

    After dying at Marineford Ace is thrust twenty-something years into the past where he meets Gold Roger. Things couldn't get worse. Oh wait: he's stuck on the Oro Jackson. Great.

  • Next Time

    Izo wakes on a particularly ordinary morning that soon fades into a memorable evening as he recalls his time with a certain redheaded cook. [ThatchIzo]

  • Always Save

    After an irreversible event, Marco tries to help his old friend move forward. The first step? Crossing the road. Ace is left with brain damage after an accident and Marco is left to adjust to the changes he sees in his friend. But can he care for Ace while trying to cope himself? [AU. Series of out-of-order chapters from Marco's perspective. Updates when inspired]