

  • This Love is Ours

    "Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard. The stakes are high, the water's rough... but this love is ours." Scorose set to Taylor Swift's 'Ours'. A cheesy fluffy little one-shot, because why not.

  • Thoughts from his bed at 11pm

    Set in 1x07. "I wasn't born in Ohio." In which Wes reflects on his past and Rebecca thinks about what could be her future- if Wes is with her. Two-shot.

  • Muggle Dates, Pumpkin Pasties and Annoying Families

    Hugo is at a muggle university studying art, and is looking forward to a nice romantic date with his muggle girlfriend, Ruby. When you're a Weasley though, things never go to plan. Especially when your sister, cousin and their best friend show up... Hugo/OC and Scorose. Just a Hugo- centric 2 shot. :) The summary and rating all apply to chapter 2. Chapter 1 is just back story. r&r!

  • Something New

    At 25, James Sirius Potter is living the high life. A Quidditch star, national heartthrob and ultimate partier, he's got it all. At 23, Elizabeth Hartley has just become junior Quidditch correspondent at the Daily Prophet. When her boss' son starts paying an interest, Lizzie could not care less. Well, at first she couldn't... (Same universe as my other stories.)

  • When The Apple Falls Far From The Tree

    "Look. I love my father, and I have a lot of respect for him. However; I am not him." Because sometimes, they were different from what they were expected to be; and occasionally- so much more. A collection of one-shots (all in the same timeline), detailing various times in which the next generation proved that to be true. Epilogue compliant. Chapter 30: Lorcan's Love.

  • Addicted

    Oliver hates that Connor makes him feel like this, but he can't stop himself. He's addicted. Short Coliver drabble set in 1x11. r&r.

  • An Afternoon of Firsts

    "I think we should have sex." "You want to do what now?" Scorose's first time in accordance to the 'When The Apple' universe. Sexual themes but NO actual smut. August 2022- Scorpius POV. One-shot. Enjoy :)

  • Asking For Her Hand

    He's ready. He's never been so sure of anything in his life. However, when proposing to Rose Weasley, there's a few others you need to ask too... Scorpius asking Rose to marry him, and the steps it takes to get there. (one-shot)

  • Knots

    Finnick and Katniss tie knots. It keeps them occupied; sometimes makes them forget. They talk and they tie, that's what they do. Right now, it's all they can. One-shot. Pretty angsty. Katniss and Finnick friendship with strong mentions of Odesta and subtle Everlark. Set during Mockingjay. Rated T for mentions of Finnick's past which is pretty grim and sad.

  • He hasn't told you, has he?

    April 2002- The Burrow. Angelina and George have some exciting news; and Angelina can't understand why nobody is asking her about it. Then it occurs to her: "He hasn't told you, has he?" "Told us what" "He didn't tell you he proposed then?..." Georgelina One-shot. Canon complaint. Cover photo isn't mine, it's by julvette on deviantart :)

  • Brotherly Advice

    "Fred was the only one I ever told about liking Hermione. I'd recount the conversation, but there's kids here, and you know what he was like!" - In which on his wedding day, Ron recalls the moment that he realised he loved Hermione, with the help of his older brother. Romione, and slight Fremione if you squint. Mostly brotherly love (not incest though!) One-shot. Read and review