

  • What could have happened

    What if the main problem in the books never existed? This is my version of how our favorite witches and wizards normally went through Hogwarts without Voldemort ever existing. Or at least, as normal as you can be when you are attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Contains several pairings.

  • All is Fair in Love and War

    With most of the wizarding population dead or infertile, a marriage law has been enacted. Draco Malfoy has decided that if he can't have a pureblood, his wife will be the best dirty-blooded witch of his age. A Malfoy always gets what he wants, even if it means playing around the rules. All is fair in love and war; Hermione Granger doesn't stand a chance.

  • Meet Your Match(maker)

    Many months have passed since the events of "Resistance is Futile", from when April and Donnie got together. Although they're happy now, it does not escape the pair that their friends manipulated them. So now, they're getting revenge, and Ellie and Rachel should prepare to meet their match.

  • How it all started

    His group fanciers were giggling louder than ever before, but Krum was no where to be seen, or at least that's what she thought, until she heard the fraustrated muttering. "Hello, my name is Viktor Krum, the seeker. No, that sounds stupid, she alveady knows vho you are, and you sound vain." My version of how Viktor asks Hermione to the Ball, and it carries on from then.