Dry Black

  • When Couples Collide

    "When Buddies Collide" spin off! You think buddies got it bad, couples have an unabridged story. Plain people, plain drama? Please; not in Zombie infestation. View and enjoy (at your own risk of course.) *EXTREME MA* (W.B.C.)

  • Life Of A K

    A long one-shot about the K. I really can't describe it. Enjoy the movie, and experience the pain of the letter "K"...

  • When Families Collide

    Buddies and couples got their shit; families got there's too. Family turmoil like no other! Behold yet another crazy episode of people colliding, "family edition!" And to make things worst, a little somebody want's it to end it all. This might be the last production if this person succeeds. (W.B.C.)

  • When Couples Collide 2

    Part two is here and it's obese! It's the conclusion of the year from the first one! Please view at your own, own risk as it contains sex and immense levels of indiscretion! *EXTREME MA PLUS!* (W.B.C.)

  • Trivial Wars

    All I can say is, when trivial crimes commence, you'll get this story. Relish yet another one of my insane accounts...