
  • Naruto: Guild Master

    Naruto never made it to Genin, since the Mizuki incident the council had all the power and rejected his entry. Without anything to go for, Naruto is left only for civilian work. Watch how the child of prophecy, the son of 4th Hokage and last heir of Uzumaki will change the ninja nation without becoming a ninja. [Warning] PLOT DRIVEN AND ZERO/NO DIALOGUE IN MY WRITING STYLE.

  • Naruto: Konoha's Incredible Hulk

    In his younger days, Naruto was chased into Orochimaru's undiscovered lab and fell into one of his experiments. End result he got turn into The Hulk. Watch how Konoha and the rest of the nation deal with it.

  • Naruto: Legend of The Phantom Battosai

    Naruto left Konoha when he was young, where he later meets both Seta Sojiro then Hiko Seijuro and eventually wanted to become a full fledged swordsman. It is a samurai verses ninja fic where both Naruto and Kenshin universe were merged together. Warning: No dialogue in my writing style.