
  • Three Things and An Angel

    What happens when all your friends die? Who do you have left? Who will stop you from falling? The Angel and The Doctor. They'll be around long after those they love are gone. SuperWho One Shot. Castiel and The Doctor Bromance.

  • This Ain't No Bromance

    Before he knew the truth, Crowley got screwed by the one and only Captain Jack Harkness. Now decades later, the two meet again, but Crowley surprisingly doesn't punch him like he's always wanted to. SuperWho One Shot.

  • So Far From Human

    Castiel, angel of the lord, never knew much about life and friendship. Until a blue box that's bigger on the inside appeared and changed his life. Now Cas travels with the Doctor and Rose, through time and space, and alternative universes. Takes place in Doctor Who series 2 between episodes 6 and 7. Cas and Rose Bromance. One Shot.

  • When Your Soul Finds The Soul

    Dean Winchester awakes after a long night of passion with non other than Castiel-Angel of the Lord. Unsure of his feelings, and unsure of what is now right and wrong, Dean struggles to deal with the new guilt added to his never ending list. Destiel Fanfiction. Hurt!Dean Hurt!Cas Dean in the shower. One Shot. Please review-no hate! I've checked this 1,000 times so I hope its alright

  • We Look Perfect To Me

    Molly Hooper doesn't have a family. Her dad died after saving her life and because of him she looks at every day with positive attitude. She gives Dean a friendly word to do the same. SuperWhoLock one shot. Dean Winchester and Molly Hooper Bromance.