
  • In the Sky

    Just go away Malfoy." She sniffed. "I DO NOT need your crap right now. Alright?" She got off the ground grabbed the broom and started to walk away. "Wow, what are YOU doing with a broom Granger?" Malfoy's voice trailed behind her. "After first year, shouldn't you just let them stay in a broom cabinet?" Hermione turned at him and almost screamed.

  • Secrets

    I know I don't know you. But I want you so bad. Everyone has a secret. But can they keep it. Oh No they can't. Lots of lemons. Kind of rough.

  • Against All Reason

    Hermione and Draco both find themselves at a crossroad, and don't know the path to anything. Will they seek comfort in eachother and find their way there? Or will their friends finally realise that something's wrong and help them?

  • The Twice Blessed

    This is a fan fiction about the children of The Charmed Ones.