
  • The Live Ghost of Hogwarts

    "Love sought is good, but given unsought is better." Second submission for The QLFFC.

  • My Flower

    "Am I entrancing you so, young Flora? I will happily wear a bag over my head if it ensures you aren't distracted by my disarming good looks." Third submission for the QLFFC.

  • Those Blasted Red Knickers

    It was just another day in the store. Only, this time, there was an innocent white box on the countertop that would change everything.

  • Recalcitrance: The Final Chapter

    Tying ends and answering questions; the final chapter of the Recalcitrance series!

  • A Gaunt Friendship

    "You keep that wedding band on you at all times, girl, you hear me? That slip of metal will mean more to you than all the worlds gold as time goes by." First Submission for The Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition.

  • Recalcitrance

    "Things are not as they seem," a term Hermione Granger had heard often. She just didn't realise how greatly it would influence her life, and how it would change it forever.

  • Twitterpated

    Fenrir is determined to get her pupped.

  • TRWG: Shed

    A series of one-shots prompted, quite literally, from a random word generator on the web. 1st prompt - Shed