

  • Just drop it, John – trilogy

    Yet another collection of micro and short stories, one recurring line of dialogue. Apparently John hears this a lot from Sherlock: "Just drop it". Different genres, varying lengths. (At times I still get bored, who'd figure.)

  • No one left behind

    Continuation of "You're my people now". This time, someone with ties to the extinct Moriarty's ring is circling Molly. Sherlock is the detective, John is the doctor, Mary is the sniper, and Molly has just been upgraded to a bigger role in a part she didn't ask for.

  • The lost brother

    John is on his way to meet Sherrinford, the third and oldest of the Holmes brothers when Sherlock is kidnapped. Can John team up with another Holmes in order to rescue Sherlock in time? A nicer approach on the third Holmes. (Because you can never have enough Holmes brothers, apparently.)

  • On reality television shows

    One scene. Over at Baker Street, Sherlock and John discuss reality shows (not really) over mint drops and carbonated drinks (not really either).

  • Just drop it, John

    One line, different scenes – an exercise. All one-scenes (some have attached extras, though). Several different times John heard Sherlock tell him the same thing: 'Just drop it, John'. Different genres and varying lengths, one common line of dialogue. (Because I was bored - go figure.)

  • The B-list

    In which Sherlock is Bored, John is Babbling, Mrs Hudson is Baking, Lestrade is Betting, and Mycroft is Blinking. More categories may be added. Small one-scenes around Sherlock, crossing various genres.

  • Behind green eyes

    Because there are little things only Sherlock himself can explain (and he won't). All one-scenes, varying lengths. Written from Sherlock's personal POV. So far, more analytic than action-based. More categories may be added.

  • Extraction protocol

    Sherlock wakes up in an unknown location, after being removed from Baker Street without warning. A security protocol has been put into place, removing him from London, alongside John. Before long he realises time is of the essence. He needs to figure out what has motivated the events and how to make a comeback.

  • Reverie

    Sherlock was knocked unconscious while solving a case. In this state he dwells in his mind palace, rebuilding slowly. There are his memories to keep him occupied, and John and Redbeard become his main company. At first it's peaceful, then slowly memories of the last events surface, showing him that he may have made a serious mistake in staying so long. Why can't he get out?

  • The problem brother

    John has just been freed from abduction by unknown people. While there he found another victim, a certain Sherrinford Holmes, his friend's secret oldest brother, who he tries to protect. Sherlock, however, seems to have heavy suspicions about the man. A darker approach on Sherrinford Holmes, slowly unravelling as Sherlock tries to piece together what happened and why.

  • You're my people now

    It was meant to be just like old times, a case and an evening in Baker Street. When a bullet crashes the window pane it becomes a new case they are forced to play out from almost no clues left behind. Disclaimer: I don't own these characters or their previous feats. (Obviously.) Also: first fan-fic alert on this one.

  • Co-dependency

    They are friends. Phone calls are expected, but rarely like this. How do you save a friend from his own darkness? Mentions of tea and 221B, but no hugs. Two small takes on Sherlock and John's protectiveness of each other on the dark times - John battles an incoming PTSD episode and Sherlock struggles to keep afloat on a dark obsessive mood.

  • Camellia sinensis

    Of all the times Sherlock had used the expression "it's for a case" this definitely wasn't one of the worst... A potted tea plant makes an appearance at 221B. This is the starting point for a Sherlock, John and Lestrade case, short and light-hearted.

  • On the weather forecast

    One scene, "After all there was a heavy blizzard storm coming... Sherlock rolled his eyes, childlike. It was so 'John' to worry and prepare for eventualities..."