
  • Lists & Private Looks

    Parvati's mind was busy chasing itself in circles. Does the captain really like me? was the thought that surfaced most frequently, and with the most anxiety attached. It was always followed by a quick, no way! and then afterward, warmer, quieter—hopeful: what if?

  • Born to be Free

    "I yield," Vex finally said on a strangled breath. Something about those words—or maybe the way she said them—collided with Aela's bloodlust and knocked it off course, just a little, until the heat in her veins was suddenly careening toward something else entirely.

  • Source of my Strength

    "You are not alone, you know." / "The Flame burns within me." / "That is not what I meant."

  • Against All Odds

    Miranda felt as though she were suffocating every time she got close to the other woman. It was embarrassing. Inconvenient. She was meant to be Shepard's XO, her second in command, her teammate. Someone she could rely on to have her back in a fight. Someone who needed to be absolutely focused in order to do her job. Instead, here she was, nursing a crush like a little girl.

  • (tell me) how to move on

    Miranda had so many regrets. There were so many things she wished she'd done differently, while she still had the chance. Most of all, she wished she'd said the three little words that Shepard deserved more than anything to hear.

  • Enough

    Josephine would settle for being a good friend. She was perfectly content with being Lavellan's friend and nothing more. Perfectly. It was completely fine. That was the only reason she was seeking out the other woman as the evening wound toward its close. Truly.

  • Blizzard

    Raina (Chelsea) overworks herself and passes out, outdoors, in the middle of a snowstorm. Vaughn rescues her, and they have a tender chat in Mirabelle's shop.

  • Conspiracy

    A month after the events of The Search, a mysterious enemy plots to distance Fire Lord Zuko from those he loves. Attempts on his life, growing suspicions concerning his friends, and the disappearance of his newfound mother push Zuko to the edge of his sanity. The Gaang does what they can to help, but Zuko isn't the only one in danger...

  • The Far Side

    My take on Storm Hawks season three. The Hawks have discovered that the Far Side isn't so unlike home, but it does house its own dark threats. Cyclonis is loose and causing trouble, new problems are arising, and the Storm Hawks are being their usual heroic selves.