

  • Willowheart's destiny

    The beautiful LakeClan queen is seen as very gentle when we first met her at Breezestar's nine days. But, in this story, we get to see her past. The great daughter of the leader Tigerstar has a destiny to fulfill. But, will she follow it, and leave what she loves? Or will she follow her heart?

  • Blacktooth's revenge

    The great dark forest warrior Blacktooth was once a normal LakeClan warrior. But, what made him end up in the dark forest? Find out in this strory.

  • Blackstar's rise

    The murderous cat Blackstar finally came to power. But, how will the clan be during his reign, since he has such a bloodthirsty attitude?

  • The new beginning

    Four apprentices, Yellowpaw from ThunderClan, Applepaw from WindClan, Lakepaw from RiverClan and Ratpaw from ShadowClan are the only survivors from a hurricane that comes in the clans' territories. What will they do? Find out in this story which explains, LakeClan, AppleClan, YellowClan and Ratclan's beginnings!

  • Breezestar's nine days

    Little Breezekit is born in LakeClan, he doesn't have a good life, he is neglected by his father and lots of bad things happen to him. With some help, he grows stronger and becomes Breezestar of LakeClan. But nine days, an evil cat, and a dark secret can end everything.