Still Into Jauren

  • Roomies

    Lauren and Peter are roommates in college that of which Lauren has stopped attending, when Peter's old best mate Joey moves in, everything gets really complicated

  • Get Your Money's Worth

    Abi and Lauren are constantly fighting over Lauren's drinking habits, Max eventually snaps and bans Abi from seeing Jay until Lauren cleans up her act. Abi tells Jay and he and Peter set out to find love for Lauren. For those who are fans or have heard of a movie 10 things I hate about you, this plot will seem quite familiar. Note Joey and Lauren are NOT cousins in this story

  • The Bitch Is Back

    Continuation of my first ever story "I hate you Don't I?" if you haven't read it I will try my best to summarize it: Joey and Lauren hate each other then Lauren kisses him and they fall in love. Lucy learns of this and tries everything to break them up and ends up getting arrested. Now she's back, and we shall let the rollercoaster ride begin.

  • Danger Danger

    Jake is released from prison but he did kill Lucy and Lauren is next on his hit list

  • Closed

    So with the success of my previous stories I was wondering if you guys would like to help me choose my next story I have them summarised as best I can so please

  • Will You Love Me Again?

    Lauren has had a hard year and finding out her dad's secret really pushes her over the edge but with a familiar face back in the square will he be able to help her