
  • Three Lonely Angels

    Alastor Moody has had a fairly boring life. Even for a wizard. That is until he discovers the wonderful adventures of Doctor Who. His life has changed, and there's no looking back. Rose/Alastor, Tenrose ( Ten/Rose )

  • By the Angel

    Set after City of Lost Souls, after Alec and Magnus break up, strange things start happening to Alec. Random pain, hallucinations, and strange dreams of a little boy. What is happening? Rated T, because I really didn't know what to rate it...

  • House of Night: Reborn

    It is years after the war with Neferet and the House of Night crew sends their children to the London House of Night. Joseph Redbird meets friends and has an experience that pure joy couldnt compete with. Of course his older brother ruins it, but things are not what they seem. Read more in House of Night: Reborn