
  • The God and the Shifter

    Liz is a 21 year old shifter who was found by SHIELD 2 months after the attack on New York. With no family and not much of a choice she joined the Avengers. A few months into her joining, Thor brings Loki to the Avengers tower to live out his punishment from Odin. What no one knew before this was Liz's last living relatives were killed in the attack on New York.

  • Mystical Magic (Loki x Reader)

    You've not long started your new job at Stark Industries as an assistant. A pretty normal job for a pretty normal 21 year old girl until one day your life is turned upside down when you save Peppers life with the help of the mysterious blue shimmer that is always with you You're thrown into the life being an Avenger and life seems pretty good