
  • the Long Awaited Morning After

    Perry wants to marry Della, but she keeps saying no. Could Perry convince her to say yes.

  • TCOT Miserable Mister

    Perry helped a damsel in distress escape from a dog while Della waited on him. Della is not happy and walks away from her job duties. Will they be able to resolve their differences before it tears them apart. This is the missing moment from Impetuous Imp.

  • I'll Be Home For Christmas (If Only In My Dreams)

    Perry is called away from his new wife. Della is not in the Christmas spirit since Perry isn't there to celebrate their first Christmas as newlyweds. Will Perry make it home in time?

  • I'll Be Home For Christmas (If Only In Your Dreams)

    Perry is called away from his wife. Della isn't feeling the Christmas spirit since Perry is missing their first Christmas as a married couple. Will he get home in time?

  • A Day In The Park

    This is the sequel to The Case of The Gangsta and Moll . This occurs a few months after the gala. Will Eva ever learn? Read and find out. These characters are created and owned by ESG. I am just borrowing them again.

  • The Case of the Christmas Vow

    Perry and Della eloped ten years ago while on the slopes. Perry arranges a surprise for Della Will the surprise go off without a hitch? This is a collaboration with Rebekah Mason and Sonia Hill. .