
the Black Rose

  • Losing My Breath

    AU. Heero POV. A new girl moves into his apartment complex - helping a combat veteran express the words & experience the crucial moments that matter. "Breathtaking." Relena pressed her forehead against his. "Why did you stop?" "I couldn't breathe." Heero pushed a piece of hair out of her face and curled it behind her ear. "You steal my breath away."

  • Remembering Home

    A series of vignettes set during ep 23; after Shin, Raiden, Theo, Korena, and Anju learn who the "foreign officer" is - and agree to work w/ Lena, again. Over the course of the evening, each of them explain to Ernst, their reasons. References to Shin/Lena. "As for that foreign officer, I think you should take your issues up with her. We'll fight, whether she's there or not."

  • Pitching DynaMight

    Present Mic and Eraserhead announce the annual Pro Hero (amped up) softball match for charity, complete with no-holds-barred rivalry between former UA classmates. Can Team Endeavor stage a comeback? "Team Endeavor has struggled to shut down the unstoppable force that's always been DynaMight. Although, if there's any group that can counter him, it's his former UA classmates."

  • Undeniable Flame

    Our favorite Class 1A students, as 3rd years, are putting on THE romantic event of their HS lives! Everyone is pairing up, but Momo's been so busy planning the event, she hasn't been able to do more than, well, pine for a date. TodoMomo, KamiJirou, IzuOcha, IidaMei, TokoTsu. With shenanigans, girls crushing, foul-mouthed wingmen, parental All Might.

  • Igniting Ember

    For the Todomomo Holiday Mini-bang! Collegiate actress Momois the titular star of 'The Scarlet Knight'. Shouto Todoroki plays the daring lady knight's love interest, Prince Ember Murakami. Sparks fly! You'd think. Except these two are as wooden as the painted swords they spar with. Perhaps, like most famous endings, it can all be resolved with a kiss...

  • Split Vision

    Written for the TodoMomo Holiday Mini-Bang 2021-2022! Shouto lives an idyllic life: a top pro hero, married to his high school sweetheart (Momo); a wonderful family. There's only one problem: he doesn't remember. - Shouto lowered his head and stared into the mug. Steam pricked his eyes. 'What kind of man forgets his own wife and daughter'

  • Three Steps to a Kiss

    Crack and Fluff! Class 3A aims to help Shouto celebrate his 18th birthday! But, what could the fire and ice hero want that's causing him to blush like that? / Shouto cleared his throat. "I-I know we've been friends for a while, but, I'd kiss you if you asked."