
  • MultiWorldsCollide-Chapter1

    Portals can, and sometimes do transmit troubles, trials, tribulations, as well as good things, from one universe to another, from one world to another.

  • ClarionQuests - Chapter 1

    Two space ship captains discover they are needed - elsewhere.

  • ClassMPlanet - Chapter 1 screenplay

    From a monitoring station, a startling discovery... August: "Class M planet-" Forest: "-with complications-" Luseda: "-short and long term-" Amitae: "-how soon can we leave?"

  • aa Chronological Table Of Contents

    Readers are needing a list of my short stories in chronological order. I include, where possible, timelines. The double "aa" at the beginning sends the tiny text to the top, where readers can find it.

  • MultiWorldsCollide(NonFiction)

    Student, children, teen communities continue to suffer greatly.

  • UPN6361 - Chapter 1 (screenplay)

    For far too many, war is never over, even after the fighting's finished.

  • AmitainyaLuzceska

    Sci-Fi showing ideas, concepts, thoughts, constructs, can be discovered in one dimension and absorbed by another dimension.

  • Terrance Is My Name

    One of my best friends has ever-increasing Alzheimer/Dementia Combine. This short story is a tribute to him [names changed].