
  • The Silent Mermaid

    Lucilicca was born a mermaid with peculiar features and the ability to change into her human form. But as a side effect, she couldn't speak when she is a human. Fortunately, nothing much changes even if that's the case. fem!mermaid luffy

  • The God That Resides In Her Hair

    Isolated in a room for a decade, Luffy is burdened with the task of keeping Gods safe on her hair. Yearning to finally be free from the room, all she could do is wait. fem!luffy. what am i doing

  • mounting regrets

    it was sweet, but bitterness follow soon after. fem!luffy

  • fog memories

    warning: practice writing, so not so serious . luffy had some memories of his future, but it's all too vague, as if a chain with a lock was holding it from him. all of this are from makino pov because i love her

  • marmalade

    avenge cora-san's death. get stronger, and recruit powerful members, that is law's main objective to be able to defeat doflamingo. but taking care of a 7 year old who doesn't even know how to properly speak yet is not on law's agenda. and he didn't mean to recruit her! fem!luffy

  • it's alright

    it's okay to reminisce your past. fem!luffy

  • carnal desire

    something happened to her, something that is obviously wrong. but she found herself traveling far just to experience that feeling again. fem!luffy