

  • Grief & Cake

    April 17th was not a happy day for Rei Hino, though it was her birthday she would often not care . As she receives gifts , spends dinner with her father, celebrates with her friends, she still grieves the person she loves and misses most... Thought I would publish this here despite it being July :)

  • Grief and Cake

    April 17th was not a happy day for Rei Hino, though it was her birthday she would often not care . As she receives gifts , spends dinner with her father, celebrates with her friends, she still grieves the person she loves and misses most... Originally published on ao3 on Rei's birthday 2022.

  • Eternal Love

    "This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change." ― Taylor Swift. Usagi reminisces as she holds her newborn daughter, while her and Mamoru talk about love and change.

  • Motherly Love

    Written in honour of Mothers day. This story follows the inner senshi and the outer senshi family (I could not put all characters in tags!) about how they celebrate mothers day. Disclaimer I do not own Sailor Moon. This story was published on ao3 on mothers day. Yes I know it's June.

  • The Red Ribbon

    The story behind Minako Aino's red ribbon, a gift from her mother who she does not get along well with.